Vegetarianism – Important Areas of Nutrition That Are Being Overlooked

by | Oct 30, 2019 | Nutrition

Ayurveda was based on knowledge and wisdom of the ancient seers of India who were vegetarian. While a vegetarian diet wasn’t necessarily recommended for everyone, the ancient doctors gave this advice, “You need something from an animal every day in your diet.”  Thus, we don’t want to define being a vegetarian as not having animal protein, but instead that the animal protein you eat does not involve killing the animal. This would mean your animal protein should come from milk and milk products (soft curd cheeses, yogurt, buttermilk, takra). Let’s examine why the ancients stated this important fact.  We know that the foundation of bones is made of collagen, a pure animal protein. The thyroid hormone is made from tyrosine, which is mainly found in animal protein. The adrenal and reproductive gland hormones are made from cholesterol.  Every cell wall in the body, brain, and entire nervous system is made of cholesterol, found only in animals. Your skin, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments contain abundant amounts of collagen. Muscles depend on good sources of animal protein for their proper development.   This is important because many vegetarians aren’t getting enough animal protein in their diets, leading to depletion of the 7 tissues, low ojas (neurotransmitters and hormones), and low levels of iron and B12.   A vegetarian diet can be the ticket to glowing health, but only if you understand the healthiest way to do so.  It is important to learn how to take good quality milk and use it correctly. Those who are lactose intolerant should work to fix digestion to eventually be able to tolerate milk.  In the meantime, goat’s milk is a good alternative. Be sure to make the extra effort to good a variety of food groups so you do not become deficient. And don’t forget that animal protein! Click here to read my post about the importance of Vitamin K2

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