Don’t Forget About the Liver – The Liver and Its Role in Disease

by | Nov 9, 2019 | Nutrition

Doctors are trained to diagnose and treat disease. They have the most amazing diagnostic tools and tests which enable them to do so, but too often in the haste to attach a name to the disease, the underlying cause is overlooked.  Finding the causes of the disease are equally important as finding out the name of the disease. More often than not, the disease process hasn’t developed to the point where a name can be given.

For example, I see many people whose ANA titers are high, an indicator of lupus, yet they don’t quite have all the other parameters to reach a conclusive diagnosis. Therefore they are left untreated and are carefully watched over time to see if and when lupus develops before receiving treatment.  This snowball approach is incorrect. These patients should be treated immediately to fix all the reasons why they might be headed towards disease.

The root cause of many diseases can be traced to the liver.  An overburdened liver, toxic from a highly processed diet and the overuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, allows for disease processes to begin.  The liver is the seat of digestion, the foundation of the immune system, and regulator of blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides. It is involved in hundreds of bodily functions, and when treated by pharmaceuticals used in mainstream medicine, which are toxic to the liver, not much can be done to prevent disease.  

The opposite is true in Ayurveda.  We can feel the pulse of the patient.  And in almost every patient, young and old, the liver is in desperate need of proper care.  Nature has given us an abundance of tremendous herbs to clean, cool, and even regenerate liver cells.  Because the liver keeps the blood clean, it was considered the most important organ of the body. For this reason, ancient doctors of India taught to take good care of the liver.  

In my 30 years of clinical practice, I can emphatically say that the liver is crying out for help in EVERYONE.  It’s neglect is causing skin problems, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, digestive diseases, food sensitivities, allergies, high cholesterol, and heart disease; nearly ANY disease!  Learn to take good care of it by cleaning up your diet, drinking pure alkaline water from the earth (not the adulterated tap water), eating healthy fats and oils, and learn how to get residues of old fat-soluble toxins from previous years out of the liver.  By doing so you can help prevent disease. Remember, it is easier to prevent a disease than ridding the body of one after it has taken hold.

Click here to check out my post about maintaining a healthy brain into old age.

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