Treating Asthma and Allergies

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Treating Diseases

As with many of the diseases we are seeing nowadays, the incidence of both asthma and allergies has increased dramatically over the past 30 years.

So we have to look and see what has happened over the past few decades to see what might be upsetting our children’s immune systems.

Lots of research points to the fact that while childhood vaccines have saved so many lives, they might be pushing the immune system beyond what would be normally expected. So far the research shows that unlike live vaccines, most of the vaccines given nowadays are inactivated and they require what are called adjuvants, or compounds, particularly aluminum to boost the immune response because the type of immunity you get with an inactivated vaccine is less and the immune response is much shorter compared with live vaccines.

Aluminum is the most commonly used adjuvant in activated vaccines and it triggers a strong immune response. However, how can that immune response be controlled, and could it be different in different types of people, depending on how sensitive they are to its effects? Could it be pushing the immune system to hyper-react to things such as foods, pollen, and other allergens more than it should?

A very large study was done to see what effect the extremely high vaccine rate is doing to our children’s immune systems. The authors stated reluctantly that “although they recognize that immunization is indispensable for the global elimination of various diseases, this large-scale birth cohort study demonstrated that the prevalence of asthma, wheezing and eczema in children at 12 months of age was associated with the administration of a large number of inactivated vaccines. Despite this association, we strongly support the global vaccination strategy and do not recommend that immunization be halted.”

But they went on to say “the results of this research support the reconsideration of better vaccination development in the future.The present results suggest that the development of better vaccines and/or adjuvants could be beneficial.”

Then what if you upset the immune system even more by giving too many antibiotics in a young child’s life? These antibiotics destroy the friendly bacteria in the gut which stabilize the immune system and keep it from going in the attack mode — hyper-reacting to foods, such as peanuts and tree nuts, or airborne allergens, or worse, the body, resulting in autoimmune diseases.

And on top of that what if children are given a diet with processed foods which can also upset immune function. And to add insult to injury, what if the child grows up in a polluted area where poor air quality can also upset proper immune function?

Studies have been done on the Amish communities and other groups whose children receive less, if any, vaccines and no tree nut or peanut allergies were observed, as compared with those in neighboring schools whose children were fully vaccinated. The vaccinated children had an extremely high rate of tree nut and peanut allergies, demonstrating again, the disruption of a normal immune system with too many vaccines.

These modern pharmaceuticals which have saved lives, must be used judiciously as they are creating a lot of collateral damage to our children’s immune systems.

So, let’s look a little further and see what we can do now to undo the harm from an overzealous vaccination schedule combined with too many antibiotics and at times a poor diet and maybe living in a polluted area (having said that, the children in the above mentioned studies lived out in the country with hardly any air pollution).

First, we must fix all three parts of the immune system — we must replenish the friendly bacteria in the gut, cool down the heat in the liver (which literally gets overheated from hundreds of acidic hot chemicals circulating through it) and clean the bone marrow. The numerous chemicals and heavy metals in the shots make their way into the bone marrow. This is important to note since it is the bone marrow where the immune system cells are born, so toxins in this very delicate area could upset proper immune function.

We are fortunate that my teacher and mentor, Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, developed herbal glyceride drops for the children which we put in water and they sip on all day. These just contain the intelligence of the herb without the child having to ingest the crude herbs which are quite bitter and too strong for babies and young children to tolerate. He also developed transdermal creams where we can give the herbs through the skin, also very gentle for the children, while at the same time highly effective.

Then Vaidya spent several years bringing the herbs for the lungs from India to America. We have herbs which deal with all 3 of the imbalances we see with asthma.

Think of the bronchial tubes as little channels, as we call them in Ayurveda, or srotas. Air goes in and out of these physical channels, but with asthma 3 things happen to these channels: they shrink, get clogged and inflamed. Let’s see how we can remedy this:

First, we have a wonderful herb which is a bronchodilator, which means it opens up the shrunken channel, just like albuterol, but without the side effects. In fact this herb actually heals the lung tissue. Second we have ways of unclogging the lungs, using various herbal formulas to thin out the mucus, again, without the side effects of modern medicine. And finally we have a very important herb which acts like a steroid, again, with no side effects, which means that the child can stay on it indefinitely to bring down the inflammation in the bronchial tubes so they can easily breathe again. While prednisone and steroid inhalers also bring down the inflammation in the lungs they can also damage the lungs and create asthma. Plus, prednisone is too dangerous to be taken orally longterm. So here we have a wonderful substitute for it.

As a result we have taken many children off their asthma medicines and inhalers.
The same is true with allergies — by fixing the gut, liver and bone marrow, slowly the allergic tendency will go away, whether the allergy is with foods and/or airborne. We just have to spend several months to a few years to recalibrate the hyper immune system back to normal after being pushed by too many dozens of vaccines and/or antibiotics.

So now you can see, we have to learn how to use these powerful pharmaceuticals very carefully — you have to work with your doctor to limit their use to the absolute most important ones while at the same time fixing the immune system as you go, pulling out the aluminum, and slowly recalibrating the immune system by addressing the friendly bacteria in the gut, the liver and the bone marrow after each introduction of a vaccine or an antibiotic.

By doing so you can prevent a whole host of allergy reactions, asthma, food and airborne allergies. Which will allow their immune systems to behave the way nature intended, where it protects you against invading organisms and pathogens. Not one which is reacting out of control to foods, pollen, dust, molds which creates inflammation, constriction, wheezing and inflammation in the lungs, not to mention eczema as these very hot toxins exit through the skin, the body’s largest organ of elimination.

And not only will you prevent asthma, allergies, and eczema but possible autoimmune diseases later in life. Most of the autoimmune diseases we are seeing at epidemic levels nowadays, were rare in the past, but could have been prevented if someone intervened in this way early on in the child’s life, instead of just allowing the immune system to spiral wildly out of control with each introduction of a a new vaccine or an antibiotic.

Thank you

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