Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Ayurveda Blog, Healthy Living, Treating Diseases

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is characterized by profound tiredness, even after you get a good night’s sleep. Modern medicine states that the cause is unknown and as a result there are not that many medications on the market to treat it. Instead, some medicines are given to treat the collateral symptoms, such as medicine to help you sleep better or other medications to suppress the symptoms of muscle or nerve pain.

As I’ve stated in so many of my videos, the first step is to identify the underlying causes — there will usually be many, and they will be different for each person. Being chronically fatigued is just a symptom. If there are low grade infections or fever, it is just a symptom, if there is nerve pain it is also just a symptom. We want to keep perspective on the problem, resist the tendency to treat the obvious symptoms and go beyond all that to address all the imbalances in the physiology.

Sometimes it is said that there are some nutritional deficiencies, and blood work is recommended to identify all those deficiencies, and then many nutraceuticals are prescribed, based on the blood work. This is also an incorrect way to treat this since being deficient is also a symptom — the real issue is WHY are these nutrients deficient and then go to work trying to fix digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Plus the synthetic nutraceuticals are nothing like their natural counterparts which occur in the food, surrounded by many compounds all contained within the fibers of the food which work in synchrony to help prevent the side effects of that particular food.

Plus these synthetically made vitamins are devoid of the prana, nature’s healing energy, which therefore renders these “dumb” and “dead” nutrients less effective than the vibrant nutrients occurring naturally within the food. Which means, they may help on one level, but on another level they are toxic to our cells and will have some side effects as they create confusion within the cellular system. And finally, no attention is given to the liver which has to digest all these toxic nutraceuticals. Giving so many on a daily basis overwhelms the detox pathways in the liver and heats it up as all these chemicals come through it.

Both the ancient Ayurvedic physicians and Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine stated that all diseases begin in the gut, so this is where we will begin our diagnosis and treatment. First we have to see if any destruction was done to the digestive tract from pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, birth control pills, vaccines, acid reflux medications and steroids.

If so, we must fix the gut and the liver, both of which are responsible for properly digesting and absorbing the nutrients from the food you eat. It’s important that we digest the food down to very small particles for optimum absorption into the bloodstream. If a residue of food (known as ama) is left behind in the gut due to improper digestion, then this ama will ferment into an a highly inflammatory autoimmune toxin known as ama visha. From the digestive tract this hot and reactive ama visha will follow the path that the food always takes, which means it will systematically go into each of the 7 tissues. If you recall, the 7 tissues are blood plasma, the blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluids.

So if you are continually making poison from your food due to improper digestion, and not nourishing the 7 tissues, you will become chronically fatigued as these tissues absorb these toxins and become depleted. Remember, a compound called Ojas is made as the 7 tissues are nourished (a little is made during each transformation from one tissue to the next) and then Ojas is also made at the end of the 7th tissue. Ojas gives you great strength, stamina and immunity to diseases. So if digestion is weak to begin with then you will wind up with low Ojas, which makes you very weak and tired.

If your sleep is poor then Ojas will also go low. Ojas is made when we have a deep restful night’s sleep since Ojas is made from Soma, the lunar energy, which is highest at night when the moon is out and the influence from the sun’s rays are not there. The agni from the sun can burn the soma, resulting in less Ojas as we go through the day.

We also burn up and use up Ojas as we go through our busy days. If we rush, have lots of mental, physical, and emotional stress, if we over-exercise or fast too much or our diet is deficient, if we have lots of bleeding and are dehydrated Ojas also goes low.

The food we eat won’t nourish all 7 tissues until one month from now since it spends 3-5 days in each tissue, so whatever food you eat takes 1 month for it to not only nourish these tissues, but also to make a good quantity of Ojas. Except for milk! But not just any milk. In this country milk is demonized, so it’s rare to find a person who even drinks it anymore. And those few who do don’t understand what constitutes good quality milk and to make matters even worse it’s usually not taken in the correct way. Watch my video on milk which describes the high quality grass-fed cow’s milk from A2 cows, non-homogenized where it is boiled and taken on an empty stomach or eaten with whole grains, dried fruits and nuts.

No wonder everyone is extremely exhausted! We come from a fast-paced culture which burns our Ojas, and avoid milk, one of the best foods to replenish the Ojas. Instead we start our day with acidic coffee which makes us hyper and burns up the Ojas even more, we don’t understand what a good diet is, and then we take synthetic vitamins, mistaking them for the real thing found within the fibers of food.

And just about every person I see has had their seat of digestion, the gut micro biome and their liver depleted and toxic from too many pharmaceuticals and processed foods.

Everyone of our food groups is toxic — we have toxic milk, toxic salt, toxic refined white sugar, poor quality water, bad vegetable oils and low quality olive oil, we don’t know about the health benefits of ghee, we spray our wheat and most other foods with pesticides, destroying the prana in the foods and seriously depleting the beneficial microbes in the soil. Then we continue to eat frozen, microwavable, processed and leftover foods, all dumb and dead foods lacking their original nutritional value.

And finally, Ojas is made from prana, the energy which keeps us not only alive, but gives our cells their intelligence. Prana has 3 components: soma from the moonlight, agni from the solar energy and etheric energy found in the space and air elements.

Soma from the moonlight converts in our bodies into Ojas. Unfortunately in this day and age the soma is being burnt from the hot vibration of electromagnetic frequencies coming from computers, cell phones, cell phone towers, etc. So if you work around computers all day it is best to learn all the ways to mitigate the effects of this very hot energy as it mixes in with the prana entering your body, polluting it, which leads to low levels of Ojas.

If we want to truly heal from chronic fatigue, it is best to work with an Ayurvedic physician who can fix your digestion, teach you how to cook and eat a healthy diet, show you what a good daily routine is, and show you how to overcome the side effects of electromagnetic frequencies. We also have numerous herbs to enhance your production of energy and to clean the gaps in between the 7 tissues to help you make more Ojas. Balancing all these details is too complicated for the general public to figure out, but you can rest assured we can help you heal your exhaustion from a deeper level than by just popping a pill for symptomatic relief.

Your bedtime, diet and daily routine are considered the three pillars of health. If you follow these wisely, you can avoid feeling chronically fatigued, as well as many of the modern ailments that are plaguing mankind.

Thank you

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