Factors that can Cause Parkinson’s Disease

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Treating Diseases


Parkinson’s Disease results from certain brain cells dying. These nerve cells are located in a part of the brain known as the Substantia Nigra. And these cells are responsible for making
dopamine, a brain chemical that helps to control movement. Without dopamine, the cells that control movement can’t send proper messages to the muscles, which makes it hard to control the muscles. The disease leads to shaking and tremors and trouble walking and moving, and tends to get worse over time. When 80% of dopamine is lost Parkinson’s Disease symptoms start to occur.

Parkinson’s Disease most often develops after age 50 and is one of the most common nervous system problems in older adults. Modern medicine does not yet understand why the dopamine-producing nerve cells of the substantial nigra begin to die off in some individuals.

However, in Ayurveda, we have developed our own theories, based on what we feel in the patient’s pulse.

What we find is that two very hot toxins, known as ama visha and gar visha can burn the delicate neurons in the brain. Ama visha occurs inside your body whenever the food doesn’t digest correctly, which could either come from improper digestion and/or be due to the fact that the food is too heavy. Instead of the food absorbing into your bloodstream, it remains in the digestive tract and rots and ferments, causing a highly acidic toxin which can burn the delicate nerve tissue.

The other type of toxin, known as gar visha, are toxins from outside the body, such as xenobiotics which are air pollution, pesticides, skin care products and the other 80,000 chemicals we have allowed into our environment which can make their way into our bodies.
Gar visha, like ama visha, is also very hot and piercing and can burn its way right through the body’s tissues, and wind up in the nerve tissue, killing and destroying the neurons in the brain.

In fact, it has been shown clinically that over half the patients who present with Parkinson’s had been exposed to pesticides from farming practices. All nasty chemicals have an affinity to go into the fat cells and get stuck there. And…the nerve cells are made of fat. So is the protective covering to the nerve cells, known as the myelin sheath.

But as always, everyone comes to this disease in their own unique way, which means that every person has their own reasons for developing this (or any) disease, and all those reasons must be addressed before we use our famous Ayurvedic herb, known as Mucuna, which helps boost dopamine levels in humans, especially those with Parkinson’s Disease.

So as usual, the ancient doctors of Ayurveda said that before any prescription is written, we must first identify that particular patient’s contributing factors and tell them to stop doing those things which are causing the problems.

So while these two types of toxins could be a big contributing factor to possibly causing Parkinson’s Disease, especially when combined with a genetic predisposition, there are potentially dozens of other factors which could lead to this disease as well.

For example, I have personally seen patients who were on an extremely low fat vegan diet suffer Parkinson’s at a very young age as their nerve tissue literally shriveled up from lack of cholesterol in the diet. Again, the nerve tissue is both made up of and uses lots of cholesterol to function correctly. The protective covering to the nerve tissue, known as the myelin sheath is also made of up cholesterol. And cholesterol is abundantly present in the synaptic membranes which aid in nerve signal transmission. This means that the nerve conducts an impulse, but it has to jump from one nerve cell to the next and in between is a gap called the synapse where the signals jump across. And this synapse or gap is loaded with cholesterol. Which is why the ancient seers of Ayurveda recommended lots of whole milk and ghee in the diet. They stated in their textbooks that these were important for the proper development and function of the brain. So in these patients you must change the diet to incorporate good quality fats, such as cultured ghee, boiled whole non-homogenized milk from grass-fed cows or goats, soft curd cheeses, home-made yogurt, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Research out of Harvard has shown that consuming 3 or more servings of low fat dairy each day was associated with a higher risk of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. It will probably take a few more generations for us to once and for all realize that a low fat diet is actually dangerous to our health. While yes we want to avoid the bad processed fats, we shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that all fat is bad for us.

And the same is true for milk, We raise the cows incorrectly, feeding them grains, and giving them antibiotics and hormones and homogenizing their milk. And on top of all that, we take it in the incorrect way (cold, and mixing it with foods it shouldn’t be mixed with) which leads to a more toxic milk.

But just because we make all these mistakes when it comes to milk, it doesn’t mean we need to avoid all milk in the diet. We just need to search for non-homogenized milk from grass-fed cows who weren’t fed antibiotics and hormones, boil the milk and take it on an empty stomach. Then it is becomes highly nourishing, not only to our nerve and brain cells, but to all the 7 tissues which it nourishes immediately, unlike any other food you can think of which takes one month to nourish all 7 tissues.

Milk has the unique quality to absorb rapidly into the body’s tissues and create Ojas, a life-giving compound which keeps us strong and healthy into old age. Any other food you eat takes a month to develop Ojas as it has to slowly make its way through the 7 tissues of the body (blood plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluids). The food has to spend 3-5 days in each tissue before it can form Ojas at the end of the 7th tissue.

Also keep in mind that goat’s milk, taken in the same way (boiled and taken on an empty stomach or cooked into grains) is just as good as cow’s milk. The nutrients in goat’s milk are more bioavailable to us, which means that for example, the fat molecules are even smaller than those found in cow’s milk so they are taken up into the cells much easier than cow’s milk. And it is lighter and easier to digest for those who have a lactose intolerance to cow’s milk. It is even recommended for those who don’t have any issues with cow’s milk because of its numerous health benefits.

I have also seen people who are exposed to too many electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s)and radiation have their neurotransmitters disrupted since this type of toxin can also go deep into the physiology, affecting nerve transmission, neurons and can also create cell death. So in these cases we have to use all of our protocols to help negate the negative effects of these EMF’s and if possible have the patient avoid them as much as possible.

And nowadays, even modern medicine is researching disruption of the gut micro biome in possibly playing a role in developing Parkinson’s. This is definitely another underlying factor because the disruption of the friendly bacteria is the first imbalance we see in hundreds of diseases, so while it may be a contributing factor to developing Parkinson’s Disease, we actually see it playing a role in the development of most, if not all diseases.

In Ayurveda we also look at the role of the 3 doshas, known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha, as they too are out of balance in each and every disease and symptom we suffer from. So it is important to understand what these three doshas are, what they mean for your health, and how to properly balance them, otherwise their imbalances could also play a role in the patient eventually developing Parkinson’s Disease, again, if there is a genetic predisposition to do so.

We always need to look at the bedtime, as the whole body, mind and spirit depends on an early bedtime, since humans were made to be awake when the sun comes up and asleep when the sun goes down. Breaking this very important law of nature also plays a huge role in the development of many of the diseases we hear about.

Time in the sun can boost your dopamine levels as the skin absorbs sunlight and produces Vitamin D, which in turn triggers the production of dopamine as well as serotonin. And in fact a 2018 study found that Vitamin D may protect damage to the neurons that produce dopamine.

It is through advanced pulse diagnosis that we can gain access to this very important type of information which is not available to other types of practitioners. Which is why modern medicine is still in the dark as to what is causing most diseases, whereas we can see clearly in the pulse all of the imbalances leading to these diseases.

So as you can see, with Parkinson’s Disease, it isn’t enough to just take a dopamine-derived medicine or even mucuna, which contains naturally occurring dopamine. If you do that, your results will be minimal. You must at the same time identify and address all the problems which caused you to burn out the neurons in the brain that produce dopamine to prevent further damage and possibly reverse whatever damage has been done so far.

By doing the hard work of actively involving yourself in your health you will reap the benefits that come with developing a strong physiology. I’ve personally taken care of patients who addressed their Parkinson’s in this way and lived long productive lives as they effectively slowed down the progress of their condition.

Thank you.

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