The Potent Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

by | Jun 15, 2022 | Ayurveda Blog, Healthy Living

What if I told you there was a an antioxidant that was both water soluble (such as Vitamin C) and fat soluble (such as Vitamin E)?

What if I told you there was a compound that has been shown to reduce the harmful side effects of chemotherapy, such as peripheral neuropathy in which the nerve cells have been damaged and become extremely painful?

And what if I told you there is a remedy that helps reduce heart muscle damage caused by some chemotherapy drugs?

Or better yet, that there is a remedy which helps people with advanced cancer regain their appetite and weight?

Or a remedy which can bind excess copper and iron out of the cells?

Or a remedy which could increase glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant?

That there is an amazing remedy which increases vasodilation of the blood vessels due to its effects on the inner lining of the arteries?

A remedy which is considered the best for reducing high pressure in the eyes, known as glaucoma? And which also helps prevent both cataracts and retinal cell death?

And what is this new remedy which has been shown to be highly effective in slowing the progression of Multiple Sclerosis?

And did you know this same remedy can reduce the permeability of the blood-brain barrier so that toxins can’t enter the brain?

And how wonderful is it that this same remedy helps maintain optimal blood sugar levels by not only helping the body to use glucose, but for also supporting insulin sensitivity. And even help lower cholesterol?

And isn’t it nice to know that there is a remedy which can help amplify the positive effects of both glutathione and Coenzyme Q10 — two important antioxidants which help fight against aging and disease?

Nowadays we are all learning about the mitochondria, the energy-producing factories of our cells. It’s hard to believe that this same remedy protects the mitochondria in everyone of our 40 trillion cells!

And yes, there is a remedy which readily passes into the brain to reach all parts of a nerve cell to reduce the brain damage after a stroke and increase the survival rate by three times?

And at the same time help guard against one of the most dreaded conditions associated with aging — Alzheimer’s disease? It does this by increasing the production of acetylcholine, an essential nervous system messenger, that is deficient in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s patients. And it’s hard to believe that this same remedy can prevent migraines, due to its effects on dilating the blood vessels.

And wait — that’s not all: this same remedy can suppress the formation of osteoclasts, the cells that break down the bone, and therefore prevent the loss of bone known as osteopenia and osteoporosis.

So the best news is that there IS one such remedy! It is known as Alpha Lipoic Acid! And here’s the best part: my mentor, Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, who hailed from a village in India where he studied the use of over 700 herbs to be used in over 500 formulas he created during the time he was training me, learned about this remedy and knew he had to research it to use it in many of the protocols for our patients.

You see, he had gotten the herbs for us that healed and nourished the nerve tissue and the myelin sheath, but he felt that there was not a specific ingredient that could help increase the supply of blood to the nerves. Until he found out about Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA).

Up until that time (around 2014) the formulas he had made for opening up the body’s physical channels (known as the srotas in Ayurveda) used heat to open them. But in this modern age he could see that most everyone’s liver was overheated and since the liver makes the blood, the blood was now also hot, resulting in autoimmune diseases, rashes and cancer. He felt a strong need to be able to increase the blood supply to the different areas of the body where there is a lot of amavisha and garavisha accumulation. Amavisha and garavisha are two extremely hot toxins very prevalent now in our modern society.

He was finding that our bodies were no longer tolerating the heating channel-opening products or any thermogenic herbs or formulas. This is because the body is already acidic and hot and the channels, nerves and bone tissues are affected by these very hot toxins. His Alpha Lipoic Acid remedy came to the rescue to support the supply of blood to those areas without further warming things up.

He made his Alpha Lipoic Acid remedies always using the foundations of the ancient texts as the basis from which healing emanates. He even made ALA massage oil to to infiltrate every pore in the body, enabling every cell in the body to be nourished by this very important nutrient.

Because of this fact we could now put ALA cream on areas like the joints to support detox in the fat tissue that might be inflaming the joints. And the water based ALA cream could now be applied to the sensitive areas around the eyes or the temples to increase blood supply to these areas to decrease eye pressure and prevent migraines.

These transdermal applications of ALA came in handy since this acid can be somewhat heating and burn out the stomach lining if taken by mouth. So by putting the creams on the skin we could finally get the benefits of this amazing remedy without dealing with its side effects, since they were no longer going through the digestive tract.

And the best part of all is that it was made according to strict Ayurvedic standards! Most of the ALA remedies on the market are synthetically made in a lab. Our unique formulation of ALA is made from spinach and broccoli, the two foods which contain high amounts of alpha lipoic acid, which means our remedies contain the prana which the spinach and broccoli got from the sun and the moon penetrating them as they were growing out in the fields. Contrast that to the synthetically dead versions made in a lab which are devoid of nature’s healing vibration. In fact, research has shown that the ALA made from spinach and broccoli have 10x the healing potential of their synthetic versions.

This was one of the best examples of how a genius Vaidya from a small village in India came to America and in no time at all figured out how to upgrade Ayurveda to the 21st century, paying attention to all the research, and seeing what was needed by mankind in this modern age. And he made the remedies always with an eye toward the strict standards set in place by the ancient rishis who cognized Ayurveda.

The formulas of ALA he made are a testament to his enduring legacy as a brilliant formulator with a vision for the future, without composing the wisdom of the ancients.

Thank you

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