Pashan Bhed: More than a Stone Breaker – Treats Arthritis, Hardening Arteries and Also Cataracts

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Ayurveda Blog, Healthy Living

As promised, I am going to discuss another important herb used in Ayurveda, which may not be as popular as the more common herbs we are all familiar with: such as Brahmi, Tulsi, Ashwagandha and Triphala.

I am always amazed at the benefits of this herb and use it quite often in my busy practice. The name of the herb is Pashan Bhed.

The word Pashan Bhed actually means “stone-breaker,” and it is most commonly used to break up kidney stones. We can take that one step further and use it to break up gall stones.

But think of this: here we have an herb which is used to break up calicifications. Therefore, we can extend the use of this unique herb even further. Let me show you how I use it in my practice to successfully treat some very important health issues, which are plaguing just about every single person on the planet!

So, if you remember from the video I made on Magnesium — Magnesium sits on the outside of every cell and one of its main functions is to prevent calcium from entering the cell. But in many cases, throughout our lifetimes, magnesium will go low, especially if we’re under stress or if we take any prescription drug. Which means that most people nowadays are walking around with very low levels of magnesium.

Now, if magnesium goes low, calcium takes advantage and goes to places it doesn’t belong. For example, calcium should be absorbed into the bones and the teeth to make them hard and strong, but we don’t for example, want calcium infiltrating into our joints, which could cause severe arthritic pain.

And even worse if calcium gets deposited into our arteries, it can create hardening of the arteries as we age. We want our arteries to be nice and flexible so that they can expand when our heart beats, but if calcium is stuck in the inner walls of our arteries they become stiff and can no longer expand with the heartbeat, creating high blood pressure.

Also, if you ate vegetable oils growing up, then you probably have some buildup of plaque in your arteries because vegetable oils turn into a plastic-like substance once cooked and will coat the inner lining of our arteries over time. When calcium infiltrates into the vegetable oil plastic coating and combines with it, we call it plaque, which is at epidemic levels in our modern society where just every restaurant continues to cook with cheap vegetable oils because, well, they’re cheap!

And calcium can even roam and deposit into the lens of your eyes, creating cataracts.

So these 3 ailments: arthritis, hardening of the arteries and cataracts affect the majority of people as they age.

And here’s the antidote! Pashan Bhed! Why, because it can break down the calcifications in the arteries, the joints and the lens of the eyes, helping to reverse these three health problems.

Here’s the caveat though: I am explaining the use of this very unique herb not so you can run out and try it unsupervised on your own. Instead I am letting you know that such an herb exists and that your should contact your Ayurvedic physician, especially if they are trained in the use of this herb, for proper direction, so you can use it wisely.

You must use this herb in combination with dietary changes, cleansing and other remedies to target the area you are trying to treat. So for example, if you are trying to clean the plaque out of your arteries, you must change your diet and cleanse, and at the same time there are a couple of other remedies you would need to scrape the plaque out.

Or if you are using it to treat arthritis, then you would also need other remedies to heal the inflammation in the joint, renew and restore the cartilage and discs, and you must eat an anti-inflammatory diet and cleanse the toxins out of your joints.

The same is true for cataracts: there are some other remedies you need to help you try to reverse the trend to form cataracts in addition to the dietary changes and the cleansing techniques.

At the same time we break down these calcifications we have to use other herbs to bind the calcium as it breaks down and then carefully direct it into the bowel movement and out of the body.

Ayurveda isn’t like modern medicine where we have one pill to target a disease, but instead, if you combine these unique herbs, such as Pashan Bhed and use them carefully and under correct supervision, you will be amazed at how much you can heal the body of ailments we think there is nothing we can do about.

I have successfully cleaned out many patients’ arteries, healed joint pain and reversed cataract tendencies using Pashan Bhed, but always while tailoring an entire protocol revolved around getting to the root cause of these ailments by targeting diet, daily routine and cleansing.

And yes! Let’s not forget! We use it all the time to break down the kidney stones which is its most common use in India!

I hope you are as excited about this herb as I am. Most people don’t even know it exists and they continue to suffer with their stiff arteries, arthritis, cataracts, kidney stones and gall stones. If you are suffering with any of these problems or want to avoid them altogether, then Pashan Bhed should definitely be on the top of your list to check out.

Thank you,

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