Addressing the Root: Migraines and Headaches

by | Oct 15, 2019 | Ayurveda Blog

Headaches treating the cause not the symptoms, pouf of pink cloud with text over the image
Headaches and Migraines are Terrible so Let’s Address the Cause I cannot stress how important it is to address the root cause of disease or illness.  While it’s wonderful to have medications for symptomatic relief, it is imperative to fix the underlying reasons that the symptoms are presenting.  This is true for headaches or migraines. After your doctor runs diagnostic tests, which is very important to do, and determines there is no pathological cause, they’ll likely give you medicine to relieve the pain.  It is important to simultaneously work with an alternative practitioner to fix the underlying cause for headaches.   There are many things that contribute to persistent headaches including rotated vertebrae in the neck or tight neck muscles.  Through pulse analysis, your Ayurvedic practitioner might find another, extremely common underlying cause for headaches: an overheated and angry liver.  As hot toxins from a processed diet intermingle with pharmaceuticals, synthetic vitamin supplements, alcohol, coffee, etcetera, the liver becomes overheated. This heat rises to the head leading to headaches.  Skipping or delaying meals can also heat the liver, which is why we don’t recommend fasting. Instead you can detox while eating numerous detox foods throughout the day.   The help of an experienced alternative practitioner is extremely beneficial to determine the best way to clean the liver and keep it cool at the same time.  The liver is giving signals that it needs attention all the time. Some of these indicators are skin conditions, headaches and migraines, PMS, anger, high cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood sugar, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.  It is up to us to take care of our livers and regain our health once and for all. Don’t be tempted to chase away the symptoms using drugs, vitamins, or herbs. Instead go to the source for lasting relief.  

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