Treating Endometriosis with Ayurveda’s Deep Wisdom

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Ayurveda Blog, Healthy Living, Treating Diseases

Endometriosis is a condition where cells of the endometrium are growing outside of the uterus. The lining of a woman’s uterus is called the endometrium. Think of the endometrium as layers of tissue that build up along the inside of your uterus. When you have a period, these layers fall away from the walls of the uterus and leave your body through the vaginal canal.

Your body grows a new endometrium with each menstrual cycle to prepare for a fertilized egg. The endometrium is where the egg will implant and grow into a fetus if it becomes fertilized with sperm. But if you are not pregnant, then you will shed this endometrial lining each month. Under normal circumstances during your menstrual cycle the blood will flow downwards and out through the cervix and vaginal canal.

However, with endometriosis, the menstrual fluid, and along with it, cells of the endometrium, regurgitate upwards through the fallopian tubes and into the pelvic cavity during the menstrual cycle. This endometrial tissue then begins to grow on your ovaries, bowel and tissues lining your pelvis causing growths which are called endometrial implants.

Then, as you go through the hormonal changes which accompany your menstrual cycle, this misplaced endometrial tissue will grow, thicken and break down, just like the normal endometrial tissue within your uterus. But once it breaks down it becomes trapped inside your pelvis and has nowhere to go. This trapped tissue inside your pelvis can cause irritation, and scar formation and adhesions which bind the pelvic organs together.

This may cause painful periods, cramps 1-2 weeks around menstruation, heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods, infertility, pain during sexual intercourse, discomfort with bowel movements, and low back pain which might occur at any time during your menstrual cycle.

The underlying causes of endometriosis are unknown. Modern medicine states that it may come from higher than normal levels of estrogen. They also feel that genetics may play a role since you have a greater chance of developing endometriosis if someone in your family has also developed it.

While all this may be true, Ayurveda takes it one step further and provides another explanation which is more comprehensive. We look at the underlying mechanics and energies which are at work behind the scenes controlling all of our bodies’ functions. Since they are just energy and cannot be seen, they therefore go unnoticed.

If you recall from previous videos, there are 3 governing principles inside of our bodies, known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata controls various movements within your body, such as the churning of food clockwise in the stomach, the movement of thoughts through the mind and the circulation of blood within your circulatory system.

There is a subsection of Vata, known as a subdosha of Vata, which is called Apana Vata. Apana Vata resides in the pelvic region and is responsible for the downward flow throughout that area. This means that it moves the food downwards through the digestive tract, it moves a baby downwards during delivery and it moves the blood downwards during our menstrual cycles.

But, if the Vata gets disturbed from too much quick movement during the month, from rushing or multitasking, from too much talking or too much stress, from going to bed past 10 pm or burning the candle at both ends, then the Apana Vata mistakenly flows upwards.

This can then create acid reflux and regurgitation of food upwards when eating. Or a long labor as the energy is flowing upwards during delivery, preventing the baby from exiting downwards easily. But this upward flow of Apana can also cause the blood to mistakenly flow upwards during the menstrual cycle and endometriosis to begin growing in the pelvic cavity.

Fortunately Ayurveda has many therapies to help women control their Vata and various treatments to encourage the downward flow of Apana not only during the menstrual cycle, but throughout the month.

The ancient textbooks discussed various “codes of conduct” for women to adhere to during their menstrual cycle to allow the blood to flow downwards. For example, it is recommended for women to rest as much as possible during their cycle. Rest, put your feet up. Try not to go to work or even stand in the kitchen to cook during the heavy flow days. Don’t talk too much or have extended baths. Avoid exercising during your cycle since too much movement forces the blood upwards. Don’t have any sexual activity during your cycle or wear tampons or cervical cups, all of which encourage the blood to flow back up into your fallopian tubes. Just wear normal pads and allow the blood to flow downwards and out.

And resist the tendency to rush during the month. Rushing moves the Apana upwards which will be reflected in your next menstrual cycle.

Ayurveda has herbs which can heal the uterine lining, herbs which can recalibrate the ratio between estrogen and progesterone and even herbs which are helpful in moving the Apana back downwards. There are herbs to prevent a heavy menstrual flow and treatments to prevent pain during the menstrual cycle.

Contact your Ayurvedic physician to see which treatments work best for your specific case. The modern medical approach of taking away your menstrual cycle using dangerous drugs may have some serious consequences later on down the road. Try using more natural remedies which get to the root of the problem and don’t have the serious side effects as the pharmaceuticals.

I hope this video helps you as you search to both treat and/or prevent endometriosis from occurring in the first place.

Thank you

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