How to Deal with Recurring UTIs – Antibiotics and Their Connection to UTIs

by | Nov 4, 2019 | Women's Health

Antibiotics are usually given when someone presents with a urinary tract infection (UTI).  However, in many cases the antibiotics will deplete the specific strains of friendly bacteria in the bladder.  Since friendly bacteria prevent infection, recurring UTIs are allowed to proliferate and more friendly bacteria are wiped out.  In addition to the risk of depleting the friendly bacteria, you run the risk of harming the lining of the bladder where friendly bacteria grow.  These compounding issues and recurrent infections can lead to nerve inflammation in the wall of the bladder which cause severe pain and inflammation known as interstitial cystitis. 

The appropriate treatment is to regrow the specific strains of probiotic cultures in both the bladder and the gut while simultaneously healing the lining of the bladder to create a good substrate in which the friendly bacteria can thrive.  There are herbs you can take to help with bladder inflammation and subsequent nerve pain. It is also important to eat an alkaline diet to make sure your bile is flowing in the gallbladder which alkalinizes the digestive juices. This becomes alkaline blood and, in turn, alkaline urine.  The alkalinization prevents the destruction of the delicate friendly bacteria growing there. Most importantly, try to avoid taking repeated doses of antibiotics for UTI’s; if you are, try to break the vicious cycle to prevent further complications such as interstitial cystitis.

Click here to check out my post on Adrenal Fatigue and how to address it.

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