My Upcoming Book

by | Oct 5, 2018 | Ayurveda Blog

I’m thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my new book on the thyroid gland. This will be the first book which addresses treatment of the thyroid gland from an Ayurvedic perspective, and will be published March 19, 2019. The publisher is Inner Traditions and it is already available for preorder through Amazon.  Once the book comes out, I will be lecturing at various venues around the United States and Canada to promote it.

The book will discuss why you may have thyroid symptoms (weight gain, hair loss, depression, constipation, and others) and yet your blood work may appear normal. On the other hand many people may have problems appear on blood work, they are prescribed thyroid hormone, whether synthetic (levothyroxine, synthroid) or natural (Armour’s thyroid, Naturethroid) and yet they are still experiencing symptoms.

In it I will discuss all possible reasons that might weaken the thyroid, how to address those issues, and then how to restore the proper functioning to the thyroid gland so you can avoid taking medications.

The book will detail what Ayurveda is, how we detect imbalances through detailed pulse analysis, diet, toxins, cleansing — and a whole chapter will be devoted to the gallbladder. When thyroid function is off balance the gallbladder doesn’t release bile, causing a whole host of problems, such as: high cholesterol, acid reflux, weight gain, high estrogen/low progesterone causing fibroids, cystic breasts and/or ovaries, heavy or long menstrual bleeding or bleeding in between cycles. This chapter will teach you how to take excellent care of your gall bladder.

This book will go beyond all other books available on the thyroid gland which recommend either medications and/or synthetic nutraceuticals (such as vitamins, L-tyrosine, iodine, B-Complex and so many others). In fact, it will once and for all explain why the use of these synthetic vitamins are detrimental to the health of both the thyroid gland and the rest of your body.

And finally, since the thyroid gland controls every cell in your body, unlike the other hormones your body makes which have specific receptor sites around the body, a weakness in the thyroid gland will affect many far-reaching areas throughout the physiology. Thus, the book will discuss how to treat a variety of these problems using truly natural approaches with herbs, foods, spices, daily routine recommendations and proper detoxification methods.  Discussed will be what to do for: hair loss, anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, weight gain, restless legs syndrome, high cholesterol and more.

This book is the culmination of my 20 years of study with Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, who taught me how to treat each and every disease from the root cause, and at the same time provided me with various herbs and foods to treat these conditions. I will forever be grateful for having the opportunity to study for so many years with this Vedic master who brought his deep knowledge of Ayurveda to our Western shores. And I hope to continue his work so that his legacy will continue through the millennia.


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