The 5 Most Important Tips For Good Health

by | Aug 4, 2022 | Ayurveda Blog

By now you have seen several of my videos where I describe all the various types of diseases and imbalances and what to do about them.

You might have also noticed that there are some common underlying imbalances that are similar in many of these diseases.

So what this means then, is that behind the scenes in all the diseases there are some very basic things which we are doing incorrectly, which if we are made aware of, we could prevent many of the diseases and therefore much of the suffering we inflict on ourselves.

Our health care system is revolved the around the idea of addressing diseases once they form, which means they have trained us to believe that we are either healthy or have a disease, and that there are no in-between stages. We are led to believe that we just get a disease, for no rhyme or reason, which also implies that we played no role in the disease process, that it kind of just happens on its own. This makes us then feel like we can’t control or prevent the disease from happening.

This is definitely not the case! The ancient doctors of India said we go through 6 stages of a disease process as we work our way towards a disease we could name. In the first 2 stages, some things are going out of balance, but there are no symptoms as yet.

By the third and fourth stage, if we haven’t stopped doing all the things that are throwing us out of balance, we will now start experiencing some vague symptoms, such as headaches, rashes, or indigestion, but there is no disease that can be identified in these two stages.

But again, if we continue to make the same mistakes then the disease process can progress to the 5th and 6th stage where we can start to name it as a disease.

So think about this: all these diseases could have been prevented if we just addressed them in the early stages which would have prevented them from turning into a disease.

The problem is that modern doctors aren’t taught how to find imbalances, so there are actually not too many ways they could intercede on our behalf to prevent the disease from happening. Instead, doctors are trained to diagnose and treat diseases, not really to prevent it or to ask why it happened.

This is where Ayurveda comes in — through pulse diagnosis and/or a good case history, we can identify not only the early stages of a disease process and work on turning it around before it becomes a disease, but even if you have already been diagnosed with a disease we can still teach you what caused it so you can both stop the progression of the disease and possibly reverse it.

Based on my clinical experience of over 35 years in practice seeing thousands upon thousands of patients during that time, I can tell you that again, many of the problems I see are from a few basic mistakes we are all making which are blossoming into all these diseases you are hearing about. So let’s look at some of these so you can begin reversing these negative trends to prevent a disease from taking hold.

As we all know, stress is a great contributor to poor health, but unfortunately many stressors are beyond our control, such as our work stress or problems with friends and family members. However, there are two stressors we can control, and if these are addressed it can prevent the stressors you can’t control from making you even sicker.

So the stressors you can control are your bedtime and your diet.

As a good rule of thumb, don’t go to bed past 10 PM as it creates a tremendous load of stress on your body, weakening many of the body’s systems, such as your liver detox systems, your endocrine and hormonal cycles and your digestive and nervous systems. We all know what it feels like when we go to bed late and wake up late, breaking a very basic law of nature which states that humans should be asleep when the sun goes down and awake when the sun comes up. By going to bed late and waking up after the sun rises, we are setting the stage for imbalances to occur, which over time can blossom into some type of disease.

The diet is also something that’s fairly easy to control. Eat freshly made food cooked at home to insure quality control. While it may be a little difficult at first until you get used to it, if you cook every day and avoid leftovers and processed foods you will start to feel healthier and healthier.
It’s so obvious to everyone now that people who eat wholesome food are very healthy compared to those who eat fast processed foods. Again, it’s just a basic law of nature that we have to feed our body high quality food the way nature intended: freshly picked from the earth with the vibration of the sun and the moon hitting it as it grew out in the field, absorbing this healing vibration known as prana, which in turn gets imparted into our bodies when we eat that highly intelligent and highly nourishing food.

The third most important thing you can do for your health is to avoid cheap vegetable oils. Most people I see have a fatty liver from growing up on processed vegetable and seed oils, such as canola, safflower, sunflower, corn oil, margarine, Crisco and other highly processed oils, including poor quality olive oil containing chemicals and processed with heat, destroying all its healing capabilities. And once the liver’s functions are corrupted, almost any disease can form.

It’s best to eat ghee (from grass fed cows) and high quality cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil.

When you heat vegetable oils they form a poison and since everything you eat has to be processed by the liver once you swallow it, these dangerous vegetable and seed oils actually damage the liver. And almost every disease you can think of begins with malfunction of the liver. So by avoiding these dangerous oils you can prevent most diseases you can think of, including most autoimmune diseases and cancer.

The fourth very important thing you can do for your health is to find a good source of alkaline spring water. Since every cell in your body is composed of about 70% water, you want to make sure that the water has two qualities: that it is alkaline and that it has the life-giving vibration of prana, which gets absorbed into it as the sun and moon’s vibrations hit it as it flows down the mountain streams.

The inside of our cells needs to be alkaline. Most of the ground water nowadays is acid from the acid rain. If we continually drink water with an acid pH and our cells become acidic, we are inviting autoimmune diseases and cancer, both which have acidity and inflammation as their root causes. But we want to make sure that the water comes from the earth alkaline — we don’t want to add some synthetic minerals to our dead acid tap water.

Once you put chlorine in the water it kills the prana, and even if you filter out the chlorine with a fancy reverse osmosis system or filtration system, you can’t bring the prana back to life. Which is why we recommend waters from pristine environments. Waters taken from these sources meet these two requirements of being alkaline and retaining the healing pranic vibration.

It’s this vibration of prana that gives our cells their intelligence to both perform all their functions and to communicate with each other. This is why cancer and autoimmune diseases are so prevalent in our society: cancer is where the cells can’t remember what they’re supposed to do and end up growing out of control. And autoimmune diseases are raging out of control which also means that the immune system can’t remember what it’s supposed to do. Normally it has the intelligence to attack viruses, bacteria and other pathogens and it knows not to attack you, creating an autoimmune disease.

So drinking pure alkaline spring water straight from the earth is one very important thing you can do to prevent serious disease.

And finally, the fifth thing you can do for your health is to get out in the sunshine every day which helps to not only make Vitamin D as the sunlight hits the skin, but also serotonin, our body’s own natural antidepressant. Also produced from the sun is nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator which opens up the arteries preventing high blood pressure. The sun also helps your body control your sleep cycles by controlling melatonin production, it helps the brain produce BDNF levels which has an effect on behavior, mood, depression and even new nerve cell growth. Sunlight on the skin even helps produce endorphins which elevate the mood and promote a sense of well being. Exposing your skin to the sun even helps dopamine production which promotes feelings like pleasure, happiness and love.

The sunlight even helps the immune system fight infection by activating the T cells found in the skin which are needed to fight infection. This is why there is less pneumonia, colds and flus in the winter. And this is also why Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is virtually non-existent in sunny countries around the equator and increases as you go more north or south of the equator, farther away from the sun’s healing rays.

So, to wrap it up, radiant health is something you should aspire to and it’s not as hard to attain as you would think. Just keep in mind you always want to go to bed early, eat as healthy as you can, use olive oil and ghee for your fats and oils, drink alkaline spring water and get out in the sun.

Following these guidelines will help to keep you radiantly healthy deep into old age.

Thank you.

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