Tips to Keep Your Brain Healthy Into Old Age

by | May 23, 2019 | Ayurveda Blog

brain health ayurveda

Here are a few simple tips to integrate into your daily life to enjoy optimal brain health well into old age.


Eat ghee: it’s the number one most nourishing food for the brain.

Do an oil massage to the scalp: the oil sinks in, both nourishing and lubricating the brain.

Drink milk simmered with turmeric (cow’s milk or goat’s milk if you’re sensitive to cow’s milk): turmeric prevents the amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimer’s.

Take Guduchi Satwa: 1/4 tsp mixed in 1/4 cup water after meals 2-3 times a day. It cleans the brain.

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Spray your home with pesticides: They absorb into the Substantia Nigra causing Parkinson’s.

Spray your body with bug spray: Absorbs into the brain.

Eat MSG: burns the myelin sheath.

Eat vegetable oils or margarine: they turn into a plastic when cooked and are harmful to the delicate nerve tissue.

Get flu shots: the mercury goes into the brain, damaging it.

Get 73 shots containing aluminum for babies and young children: aluminum is a potent neurotoxin and crosses the blood-brain barrier. Delay the shots and choose the most important ones.

Take statin drugs: they starve the brain of much-needed cholesterol causing it to shrivel up. Instead fix the reason WHY the cholesterol is high by addressing the liver and the gallbladder, the two most important organs whose function is to clear cholesterol out of the blood.

Eat organic non-GMO food whenever possible, get in the sunshine everyday, go to bed early and exercise 4-5 times a week.

By following these guidelines you can enjoy optimal brain health into very old age.

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