Tips to Lower Your Risk of Cancer

by | Jun 3, 2019 | Ayurveda Blog

Ayurvedic ways to prevent cancer

Patients always ask me if there is a cure for cancer. The answer is that the best cure is preventing it in the first place.  Here are some tips to prevent cancer.

Don’t ever:

  1. Put chemical bug sprays like Deet on your skin. The skin immediately absorbs whatever you put on it and delivers it to the bloodstream within 20 minutes. Use more natural bug repellents such as Burt’s Bees.
  2. Don’t use vegetable oils in cooking as they form carcinogens upon heating. Canola oil is the worst and yes, Whole Foods Market uses canola oil in all their prepared foods. Just use ghee, olive oil, and sesame oil. Period.
  3. Never ever take birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, or fertility drugs as they cause breast and ovarian cancer fairly quickly. There are too many natural treatments and herbs for fertility and hormone replacement therapy
  4. Don’t drink tap water as the chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals destroy the prana, or the vital life force, in the water which upset our bodies’ physiologies at a deep cellular level.
  5. Avoid the use of any chemicals which can reach your bone marrow. Toxins accumulating in this tissue can ultimately cause cancer. In this category are pesticides, heavy metals, and many pharmaceuticals.
  6. Limit the use of computers, WIFI, and cell phones, as the radiation upsets our cellular system.
  7. Never microwave your food as it alters the inherent life-giving pranic energy in the food. This vibration coming from the sun and the moon creates intelligence in our cells. Superimposing a manmade vibration, such as the microwave, onto the food, destroys the prana causing the food to become dumb or dead. And that’s how cancer forms. The cells lose their intelligent vibration and can’t remember what they’re supposed to do, thus creating a tumor, which are the growth of unintelligent cells


  1. Eat organic non-GMO foods as much as possible
  2. Drink water from a pristine source where there is no acid rain and the water has a naturally occurring alkaline pH. Especially good are Mountain Valley (which comes in glass), Iceland, Fiji, and Evian.
  3. Eat cooked leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables, and berries
  4. Drink boiled (not cold) milk from pasture-raised cows and goats. Avoid homogenized milk and strive to find the milk with a cream line on top. Homogenizing the milk rearranges the fat and protein molecules in the milk, altering how they react in the body.
  5. Walk or lie directly on the earth without shoes on as much as possible in the warm weather. The earth emits healing electrons directly into our bodies but the rubber soles on our shoes block their transmission.
  6. Get in the sunshine 15-20 minutes a day to receive its healing benefits. The sun hitting the skin causes the formation of Vitamin D and many other compounds which have yet to be discovered.
  7. Cook on the cooktop or in the oven.
  8. Go to bed no later than 10:00 pm as the hours before midnight are the most restorative to our cellular systems.

Following these basic guidelines should reduce your cancer risk tremendously.

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