True Healing

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Ayurveda Blog

Most Western holistic doctors use “neutraceuticals” (synthetic vitamins, minerals, Amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc.) in their practices. However, these are lacking in “intelligence” or the healing energy of nature since they are man-made and may have harmful side effects.

True healing comes from pure (untouched by man) air, water, food, spices and herbs. Each patient is taught how to eat healthy and the herbs used are processed according to strict Ayurvedic standards, which insures their healing potential.

Dr. Teitelbaum has studied for many years with Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra – one of India’s foremost Ayurvedic physicians. He comes from a long-standing family tradition and has given Dr. Teitelbaum one-on-one training for over the past 20 years. He has taught her how to treat all diseases using herbal formulations, single herbs, herbal “water” designed specifically for each patient, transdermal marma therapy (putting the herbs directly on the skin for quick absorption) and herbal glyceride drops, for fast delivery to the targeted tissue.

Adults, children and babies are treated daily in her clinic. She has a private practice in a quiet residential neighborhood. Each patient receives individual attention and a protocol designed for their specific imbalances.

Dr. Teitelbaum detects these imbalances by using pulse diagnosis and muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology).

Within a very short period of time, a treatment protocol is recommended. Subsequent visits may be recommended according to numerous factors, such as severity of the imbalances, distance patient lives from the office, etc.

Telephone consultations are recommended for patients who live a great distance from the office.

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