If your doctor finds you have high blood pressure you will probably be put on blood pressure medicine and/or diuretics to bring the blood pressure down. These are important life-saving medications which we may need if the blood pressure is out of control, but we...
There are two main forms of fatty liver disease: Alcoholic Liver Disease: this results from heavy drinking and causes accumulation of fat in the liver. Moderate drinking is defined as one drink a day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. About 5% of people...
Spices aren’t used just for taste, but also have health benefits. Each spice has its own unique set of compounds which can be used for healing, in much the same way as we use herbs. But one of the most important spices you should be using and which has been studied in...
Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States. It accounts for 1/3 of all the deaths, which basically means 1 death every 40 seconds from heart disease even though so many people are on statin drugs to lower their cholesterol and are following...
When I was much younger food allergies were fairly rare. We had never heard of a gluten sensitivity or a tree nut allergy. Or a lactose intolerance. And yet nowadays they are at such epidemic levels that most restaurants offer all kinds of gluten-free entrees and the...