Case History: Recurrent Uveitis

by | May 17, 2019 | Ayurveda Blog, Case History

Case history, eye infection

Uveitis is an inflammation of the eye. In this case, it occurred in the iris, and is therefore called Iritis. Treatment consists of steroid drops to the eyes. However, it is important to always think outside the box, go deeper, and find the underlying cause to prevent a return of infection. In this case the infection returned 7 times in one year. As usual, the cause is far removed from where the symptoms appear.

Eyes and the Liver

The eyes are always an indicator of how the liver is functioning. For example, if the eyes are getting red, then you’d better look at the health of the liver. Everything you swallow has to go through the liver for processing, so we have to start there to see what might be heating it up. Some common culprits are processed foods, bad oils, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, alcohol, coffee, vinegar and condiments containing vinegar, onions, garlic, and spicy-hot food. Other reasons the liver may be heating up include: skipping or delaying meals and lack of bile flow (bile alkalinizes the digestive juices which ultimately become the blood. If the bile isn’t flowing properly then the blood will heat up causing the liver to heat up as it filters this acidic blood).

Cool Down the Liver

In these cases we need to cool down the liver, change the diet and daily routine, and teach the patient proper cleansing techniques to keep the liver cool (also discussed in my book in very great detail). Hint: the cleanses would NOT be fasting, saunas, hot yoga, or milk thistle. Neither would they be cleanses using ginger, peppers, turmeric capsules, cayenne, colonics or flax oil. All of these heat the liver.

Heating the Liver and Autoimmune

Overheating of the liver ultimately gives rise to autoimmune diseases if you don’t fix it early on, which is why uveitis is considered a harbinger for an autoimmune disease. By treating the eyes and thinking of this as an eye condition you are suppressing the symptom temporarily, but the bigger condition or autoimmune disease will persist. If your eyes, or even the eyelids, are getting red and beginning to bother you, take a look at the health of your liver and resist the temptation to just treat the eyes. By fixing the liver in this very early stage, you will stop the progression toward liver disease, cancer, or autoimmune diseases which could occur if left unattended.

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