The Real Issue with Cholesterol: What’s Good and What’s Not

by | Oct 22, 2019 | Ayurveda Blog, Food Blog, Nutrition

List of checkboxes, cholesterol is checked

The real issue is not so much the cholesterol level, but is more about whether the arteries are clogged.  There are some foods which contain cholesterol and could clog your arteries, and as such, should be avoided.  These are red meats like beef, ham, pork, duck; sausages; bacon; and hard aged cheeses. There are even some foods which don’t contain cholesterol but can still clog arteries and should also be avoided.  These types of food are nut butters; unfermented soy like tofu, soy milk, and edamame; and vegetable oils such as sunflower, canola, peanut, Crisco, and margarine.  

However, there are some foods which do have cholesterol but will not clog your arteries.  These are ghee; unhomogenized boiled milk; soft curd cheese included ricotta, fresh mozzarella, cottage cheese and paneer; chicken, turkey, fish, lamb, and goat.  It is also important that the gallbladder and liver remain in good shape since they help clear cholesterol out of the blood.  

Benefits of Lowering Cholesterol

Lowering the cholesterol with dangerous statin drugs or even red yeast rice, niacin, and fish oil aren’t recommended.  This approach only lowers much needed cholesterol without regard to these deeper issues. On top of that they are harmful to the liver, whose job is to control cholesterol health in the first place.  

Ultimately, good, controlled cholesterol is important for brain and nervous system function, a healthy and radiant glow, and to maintain youthful reproductive and adrenal hormones.  

Click here to check out my post about vitamin K2.

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