How Electromagnetic Toxins Damage the Body

by | Jan 27, 2023 | Ayurveda Blog, Healthy Living, Skin Health

If you recall from my previous videos, there are four types of toxins: ama, ama visha, gar visha and electromagnetic toxins, known in Ayurveda as Indravajravijanya visha.

As a quick review: ama is a residue of partially digested food that forms when either the food going through the digestive tract is too heavy, or the person’s digestion isn’t working well, or a combination of both. This partially digested food remains stuck in the channel or digestive tract, clogging it, instead of breaking down into small enough particles to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This type of toxin clogs both the digestive tract and other physical channels within the body. That’s why, for example, people who don’t digest their food well may also experience clogged sinuses — the sinuses are a type of physical channel through which air goes through. If you clog the initial channel, the digestive channel, all subsequent channels may also clog up.

Ama visha, the second type of toxin, is a hot reactive toxin which results from the ama rotting and fermenting, causing a highly inflammatory and acidic toxin which can pave the way for autoimmune diseases and cancer to occur. In both types of diseases the insides of the cells are hot and acidic, creating inflammation which can result in autoimmune disease and cancer.

Likewise, gar visha, the third type of toxin, comes from outside the body, unlike ama and ama visha, which are made inside the body from the improper combustion of food. Gar visha includes environmental toxins like air pollution and pesticides, as well as other manmade chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

Now, as we go through the four types of toxins, each one is worse than the one before. Therefore ama visha will be more detrimental to the physiology than plain cold ama which is primarily cold and clogging to the channels. But gar visha is even worse as it has a more dangerous hot piercing action.

But the worst type of toxin of all, capable of accumulating quickly and creating damage at a faster pace than the previous 3, is the indravajravijanya visha, or electromagnetic toxins.

Let’s first discuss what this name means. In Vedic terminology Indra, the “king of the Gods” was primarily seen as being the custodian of the “vajra”or the lightening bolt. Thus “Indravajra” refers to Indra’s lightening bolt.

“Janya” means created or brought forth. Electrical power or electromagnetic current is thus identified as being that power which is created in nature and brought forth through Lord Indra’s lightening bolt.

This vajra or large store-house of electromagnetic energy found in a lightening bolt is high in its concentration of electrical agni; this agni or fire is destructive and affects the body’s physical systems primarily shocking the nervous system by burning up the ojas.

We can translate this mythical image into our current culture as we see that this bolt of lightening can burn up anything it touches in an instant. We now channel this powerhouse of electrical energy in modern times through various devices, power lines, radars, microwaves, X-rays, cell phones and cell phone towers, smart meters, and computers, to name a few.

These devices receive and generate Indra’s “vajra” in significant amounts on a continual basis causing all types of damage and symptoms throughout the body. For example microwaves generate and saturate the objects that are exposed to these waves with agni or fire which burns the soma, resulting in a depletion of ojas. If you recall, soma, the cooling lunar energy from the moon, creates the lubricating kapha and ojas (which gives us stamina and immunity to disease). Since soma creates both kapha and ojas, both can become depleted when the soma gets burnt by the EMF’s or electromagnetic frequencies.

Another way you can look at it is that this life energy, Prana, which is the collective vibration from the sun (called agni), the moon (called soma) and the movement of these energies (called marut) is not only considered the life energy because it keeps us alive, but it also is that vibration which gives our cells their intelligence to perform all their functions and to communicate with each other.

All day long our cells are in constant communication with each other through hundreds of pathways, kind of like they’re sending text messages so they can coordinate the thousands of bodily processes helping the body to run smoothly and intelligently. Inside our bodies these messages are sent through vibration — that’s how the cells communicate with each other.

The force of nature which is behind all this communication is the pranic energy, this initial vibration allowing all the text messages to be sent.

Now think of this: the pranic energy is found in the space element. The electromagnetic radiation is also found in the space element, and it can and it can mix in with the prana, polluting the pure soma, agni and marut as it comes into the body.

The pranic energy comes in at the top of the head through a marma or energy point known as the Adhipati mama point. Adhipati means governing — so this very important point is a great conduit for prana to come into our bodies and governs all the other marma points in the body. Prana can also come into the orifices in the head, such as the nostrils and ears. All the prana then combines and goes down the Shushumna Nadi or the vibrational channel which travels down the spine, branching off giving a full supply of prana to all the organs, glands, cellular systems, arms and legs and the used prana comes out through the hands and feet.

So if the prana becomes polluted with electromagnetic radiation coming from cell phones, computers, and other forms of radiation, then these dangerous electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) can burn the soma, depleting the ojas creating biological changes in the brain cells, cancer, changes in genes and DNA, neurological disorders, reproductive problems, and behavioral changes.

If the prana becomes polluted, then the cellular intelligence becomes “dumbed down,” creating “dumb” reactions in the cells. And this is what autoimmune diseases and cancer are. In the case of autoimmune diseases, the immune system has lost its intelligence and begins attacking things that it shouldn’t, such as food or your body. In the case of cancer, the cells who need a constant supply of intelligent information so they can smoothly function, become confused as the prana becomes polluted by the dangerous EMF’s and can’t remember what they’re supposed to do, resulting in odd growths, cancer and uncontrolled activities.

Fortunately my teacher and mentor, Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra created many products to purify the prana as it comes into the body: medicinal herbal oils applied to the Adhipati mama point, the nostrils and ears, and products to be applied not only transdeermally down the spine but also taken internally, to ensure a pure supply of prana to the whole body.

He even made a spray made from the bark of several species of trees. He told me that snakes, which also contain hot fiery poison, wrap themselves around trees because the soma in the tree bark cools the hot poison within their bodies. So he actually made an astounding remedy made of tree barks which can be sprayed around the computer when you are at work, to mitigate the effects of the EMF’s before they enter your body.

We teach our patients many other ways to negate the effects of electromagnetic radiation, especially in those people who have to work around computers all day and they are beginning to feel symptoms around their body which can come from EMF exposure. Symptoms such as: tingling sensations, twitching, irregular movements of the limbs, throbbing sensations spasms of the muscles, visual problems, sleep problems and an overall buzzing or toxic feeling. It’s important to address these types of symptoms in their early stages, because if you let them go they can create the larger diseases such as MS, cancer, demyelinating diseases and more.

You can see how important it is for you to understand the intensity of these electromagnetic toxins because if you work around computers or use various types of devices throughout the day, or if you must receive numerous Xrays, CT scans, or MRI’s you must learn to mitigate the effects of the radiation they create.

As usual, I am grateful for my teacher, Vaidya Mishra, for creating the dozens of remedies and treatments for people who are exposed to EMF’s. His groundbreaking work brought Ayurveda into the 21st century as he dealt with the effects of these dangerous new toxins which the ancient doctors could not have foreseen.

Thank you,

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